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Ideas For A New Website

Date: July 30, 2012 Author: ang Category: How To Blog Tags: , , Comments: 2

Remember, website traffic equals clicks and revenue regardless of whether the visitors are happy or flaming. I often create posts about new website ideas, but this time, I'm going to take a unique approach. When you normally think of ideas for a new website, they tend to be ways to solve other people's problems or provide entertainment. In this blog post, I'm going to talk about some website ideas made to generate traffic by pissing people off. Believe it or not, some people like to get pissed off and will often share their frustration with others by sharing the 'outrageous' posts on Facebook, Google+, etc. The site needs to provide what seems to be valid information or people won't care, share, or revisit. Blogs that feed off the taboos and insecurities of people may become unpopular as society evolved past the taboo. For example, demonic video games and homosexuality websites used to stir a lot of controversy, but not anymore. I'm going to give you some ideas for new websites that are controversial, but I'm also going to make sure there's plenty of evidence online to backup the controversy realistically. When you run a website like one of the examples below, you will want to purchase ID protection for your website domain name.

Below is a list of websites designed to generate web traffic by pissing people off.

  1. A blog about the differences between races: The major hurdle for a blog like this is statistical data. There aren't a lot of valid statistical data because scientists are afraid to get rejected by the scientific community like did. Paleo Anthropologist John Hawks provides a lot of valid evidence behind the physical and physiological differences between race. Sociologyst Linda Gottfredson provides some good evidence about the possibility if IQ differences between races. Video
  2. An anti religion blog: There are a lot of studies that can suggest why people are religious or feel a presence. For example, Dr. Persinger developed a  God_helmet which he claims artificially creates a sense of presence (video). There are also sites to help one point out inconsistencies in the logic of religious doctrine like this site. So a blog using the plethora of evidence online today to stir religious controversy may generate significant traffic and click revenue.
  3. Pedophilia support blog: There is a lot of rage behind the 'sacred' sexuality of young people waiting to be turned into ad clicks. Arguments suggesting the possibility of ageism and taboos could help a blog like this carry some validity. The main-stream media in America tends to call minors children and statutory rape criminals pedophiles based on situations condoned by many other countries and regions in the world just as modern as America. Pitching cultural morals against one another may spark endless arguments and flaming. Age of concent by country. Evidence that certain children are attracted to adults(teleiophile) can also produce heated discussion. This subject is so heated that there aren't many blogs out there, so there's not much competition yet.
  4. An anti monogamy blog: A blog that degrades marriage or monogamy might generate some good traffic. I'm not sure, this will do as well as the other blog ideas, because the world is becoming very secular in the area already. Joe Quirk makes some good controversial point. Video. There are also a lot of statistics to counter the validity or marriage and monogamy. 70% divorce rate in America.  According to the current infidelity statistics 60% of men and 40% of women are involved in extramarital affair.
  5. Blog on politics: A political blog would generate a lot of discussion, but there are so many blogs and media covering the topic it would be difficult to stand out. I wouldn't recommend this for anyone unless you're an expert on politics. Some Good websites to reference for different popular views are. The Republican political view(Fox), the Democratic views(CNN) and the Libertarian views(StosselRon Paul).

Happy flaming.

  1. Date: August 11, 2012
    Author: pankaj

    hello sir i need your help to approve my google adsense and any help in improving my blog site and want to create some different website presence in interent thank you sir in advance [Reply]

  2. Date: August 11, 2012
    Author: ang

    I think you need to research the topics that you blog about better. Use the keywords tool to find keywords for your blog topics that have a high monthly searchs. [Reply]

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